Παρασκευή 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Tutorial for Groups in M2000

To run this code, please copy it in module in M2000 environment, (M2000.exe): Start the environment, type Edit A, copy this program from browser, press Esc to return to CLI (command line interpreter), and type A and press Enter.

Group Abc { X=10, Y, Z$="Yes"}
For This {
      \\ This is a block for temporary definitions
      Group Temp {X=12, W=13}
      \\ we make a copy as "float" group
      \\ float groups are groups in stack and arrays and the result of any function which return group
      \\ non float group, static, is a group with a name, and position in module.
      \\ Group Temp erased after the exit of this block
      Push Temp
\\ now reading a group from stack to named (static) group means Join
Read Abc

\\ We see that we get new value for Abc.X, and a new variable Abc.W
For Abc {
      Print .X, .Y, .W, .Z$ \\
List   \\ we see all 5 variables group and four group variables

\\ Why is 5? Because in a named group each element exist as it is not in a group.
\\ We can't delete a already defined variable (until module exit) and this happen for groups.
\\ So groups can take more variables and other (Arrays, Functions etc), temporary or not.
\\ We can pass a variable from group by reference without passing the group.
Module CheckRef {
      Read &M
      Print M \\14
\\ by referenece one variable from group Abc
CheckRef &Abc.W
Print Abc.W \\14

\\ We can Add function to group
Group Abc {
      Function CheckIt {
            \ one dot mean This.
            This.X++ \\ change some state
Print Abc.CheckIt() \\ 185
Print Abc.CheckIt() \\ 202
Print Abc.CheckIt() \\ 219

\\ We can pass a function of Group in a module, and we can change state inside it,
Module PassFunc {
      Read &F()
      Print F() \\ 236
PassFunc &Abc.CheckIt()

Module PassAll {
      Read &AbcRef
      \\ now AbcRef is a group
      For AbcRef {
            Print .X, .Y, .W, .Z$
      List  \\ there are 5 more variables
PassAll &Abc
\\ Some times is better to pass a weak reference only
\\ this can be done using Weak$() or & operator
\\ but important is what we have in Read

Module WeakPass {
      Read A$
      For A$ {
            Print .X, .Y, .W, .Z$
      \\ we can use A$ to call modules or change variables
      Print Eval(A$.X) \\ we must read using Eval(), or Eval$() for strings
      Print Eval(A$.CheckIt()) \\ 393      
      List  \\ there are NO 5 more variables, only a new string variable (weak reference)
WeakPass &Abc
For This {
      \\ temporary use
      Local M, I=Group.Count(Abc)
      For M=1 to I : Print member$(Abc, M), member.type$(Abc, M) : Next M
      \\ we use New so we shadow any variable with same name
      Read New From Abc, X, Y$, Z$, W
      \\ these are references. If not match type (array or variable) we get error
      \\ Here we make string the reference to Y
      Print X, Y$, Z$, W
      Z$="it is a reference to Abc.Z$"
Print Abc.Z$, Abc.Y \\  "it is a reference to Abc.Z$"   1500

\\ until here____________________________________________

A small program:

\\ We can make reference from number to string variable
Link A to A$
\\ feed A$ from A
For A=A to A+10 {
      Print A$;
\\ feed A from A$
Print A*100

Advanced Program
M2000 has no interfaces for Groups (Groups are like javascript objects, but not exactly). So here is a program to implement "interface". The task not only needed for give interface to group for particular task, but we need to take feedback, so we must find a way to add functions to groups and from what we get, we need to take something back.
Our feedback is kept in counter in each item (circle or rect). The interface is kept in another group named Geometry. We use a function type$() to define "soft" type. So function interface choose the right group to export. This group then joined to original group

Clear  \\ variables
Flush  \\ Stack for values

Class Circle { Radius, counter
      Function Type$ {="Circle"}
Class Rect { Height, Width, counter
      Function Type$ {="Rect" }
Group Geometry {
      Group Geometry_Rect {
            Function Perim { =.Height*2+.width*2}
            Function Area { =.Height*.width}
      Group Geometry_Circle {
            Function Perim { =.Radius*2*pi}
            Function Area { =.Radius**2*pi}
      Function Interface {
            Read What
            If What.Type$()="Circle" then {
            } else {
\\ main
Base 1
Dim A(10)=Circle(), B(10)=Rect(), Mix(10)
A(1).Radius=5 \\ we can put .Radious=5 inside For A(1) { }
For A(1) {
      measure(&this, &Geometry.Interface())
For B(1) {
      .Width=3 : .Height=4
      measure(&this , &Geometry.Interface())
Print A(1).counter, B(1).counter
For Mix(1) {
      measure(&this, &Geometry.Interface())
For Mix(2) {
      measure(&this , &Geometry.Interface())
Sub measure(&G, &Geometry()) \\ group refer and function (from group) refer
    G=Geometry(G) \\ temporary union with group Geometry
    Print format$("Type     {0:12}", G.Type$())
    Print format$("Area     {0:3:-10}mm",G.Area())
    Print format$("Perimeter{0:3:-10}mm",G.Perim())
    G.counter++ \\ this is feedback
End Sub

And here is another variant of  previous program. Now we don't use a Group Function to return group, but a function. From Sub measure we see everything from module, so we see Function Geometry. More simple now:

Clear  \\ variables - help on developing this
Flush  \\ Empty Stack for values

Class Circle { Radius, counter
      Function Type$ {="Circle"}
Class Rect { Height, Width, counter
      Function Type$ {="Rect" }
Function Geometry {
            Read What
            If What.Type$()="Circle" then {
                  Group Geometry_Circle {
                        Function Perim { =.Radius*2*pi}
                        Function Area { =.Radius**2*pi}
            } else {
                  Group Geometry_Rect {
                        Function Perim { =.Height*2+.width*2}
                        Function Area { =.Height*.width}
\\ main
Base 1
Dim A(10)=Circle(), B(10)=Rect(), Mix(10)
A(1).Radius=5 \\ we can put .Radious=5 inside For A(1) { }
For A(1) {
For B(1) {
      .Width=3 : .Height=4
Print A(1).counter, B(1).counter
For Mix(1) {
For Mix(2) {
Sub measure(&G) \\ group refer and function (from group) refer
    \\ sub see anything in module, so can see Geometry()
    G=Geometry(G) \\ temporary union with group Geometry
    Print format$("Type     {0:12}", G.Type$())
    Print format$("Area     {0:3:-10}mm",G.Area())
    Print format$("Perimeter{0:3:-10}mm",G.Perim())
    G.counter++ \\ this is feedback
End Sub

Previous program, with a change. We can pass function G.type$() by reference of each group to Geometry() and not all group, to choose the functions we want to bind to G.
When a function of Group passed by reference we have a new function (a copy of Group's function, with a proper weak reference to Group, so any identifier inside function with a dot precede it, connect by weak reference to actual members of group. All functions and modules in a group have a weak reference to group. When a Group has no name (as those in an array), no weak reference exist. When we open a Group from array item, then interpreter make a new group with a hidden name and make all members using this name, and pass references to this group to modules and functions, and the identifier This refer to this hidden name.
So passing function only, we don't make a copy of group, just a copy of one function.

How reference for Group works

Here we pass a reference of This to sub Measure(), so  interpreter make all members, as identifiers and pointers to actual members of This (we say This but this is an alias, of a copy in of Mix(i)). But G Group has not a pointer to This, has a list of members, as G.identifier_of_member. Calling Geometry() we pass G.type$() which points to This.type$() so we get the weak reference of This. So any bind to G from Geometry, listed only to G and not toThis. So we have two lists, as two objects, with two set of members, but for G some members points to This members, and some aren't references but are new members to G.

From 8.2 we can make the Read Parameter1,...  as  Function Name (Parameter1,...) {function code  }. Interpreter get the parameter list and insert a Read command as first line.
Another change is the For.. to... {} for Mix() array.
Command Modules ? display modules as they are in Modules/Functions List (if not hidden, or private)

Clear  \\ variables - help on developing this
Flush  \\ Empty Stack for values

Class Circle { Radius, counter
      Function Type$ {="Circle"}
Class Rect { Height, Width, counter
      Function Type$ {="Rect" }
Function Geometry (&What$()) {
            If What$()="Circle" then {
                  Group Geometry_Circle {
                        Function Perim { =.Radius*2*pi}
                        Function Area { =.Radius**2*pi}
            } else {
                  Group Geometry_Rect {
                        Function Perim { =.Height*2+.width*2}
                        Function Area { =.Height*.width}
\\ main
Base 1
Dim A(10)=Circle(), B(10)=Rect(), Mix(10)
A(1).Radius=5 \\ we can put .Radious=5 inside For A(1) { }
For A(1) {
For B(1) {
      .Width=3 : .Height=4
Print A(1).counter, B(1).counter
For i=1 to 2 {
      For Mix(i) {
Modules ?
Sub measure(&G) \\ group refer and function (from group) refer
    \\ sub see anything in module, so can see Geometry()
    G=Geometry(&G.type$()) \\ temporary union with group Geometry
    Print format$("Type     {0:12}", G.Type$())
    Print format$("Area     {0:3:-10}mm",G.Area())
    Print format$("Perimeter{0:3:-10}mm",G.Perim())
    G.counter++ \\ this is feedback
Modules ?
End Sub

Very Advanced

Here we have an Event inside Group.

Group aa {
      \\ event need a Read parameter list
      \\ so any function added to Event must have same signature
      Event b { Read x, &counter }
      Function aa (x, &counter) {
            Print x+.y
            Print ".y=";.y
      Module callme {
            Call Event .b, number
Class cbb {
      function bb (x, &cnt) {
            print x**2+.y
      Module cbb (.y) { }

Event aa.b New aa.aa(), bb.bb()
aa.callme 10, &mycounter
aa.callme 10, &mycounter
Print mycounter
Module testme (c) {
      Print Module$ \\ name of module
      Stack  \\ display stack (for values not process stack), now have 5 as top value
      \\ a module get parent stack so 5 passed with stack to c.callme module
\\ aa by copy
testme aa, 5, &mycounter
Module testme2 (&c) {
      Print Module$
Print  "Calls number=";mycounter
\\  aa by reference
Event aa.b Drop aa.aa()
testme2 &aa, 10, &mycounter
Print mycounter
Event aa.b Hold
testme2 &aa, 10, &mycounter
Function SomethingElse (x, &cnt) {
      Print ">>>>>>>>>>>",x, cnt
Print mycounter
Event aa.b Clear \\ after Clear we need to Release Event
Event aa.b New aa.aa(), aa.aa(), bb.bb(), bb.bb(), SomethingElse()
Event aa.b Drop aa.aa()
Event aa.b Release
testme2 &aa, 10, &mycounter
Print mycounter

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